Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Good Ol' Procrastination

I'm supposed to be writing a 2,000 word reflective diary on how i changed while i was away, and what caused this, obviously i'm not because i'm writing this blog post but im supposed to be, hence the lovely post title 'good ol' procrastination'. I really had the best of intentions of doing it today, i promise you i did, i came into uni, i have the piece of paper explaining what i have to do, i got pretty much everything else out of the way, i even have my good assignment-note-taking pen, but no cigar, i haven't the foggiest what to write, now this might be advantageous to you dear reader because my best blog posts tend to come out of procrastination but it doesn't really help me on the paper writing front. The trouble is, i could probably write 10,000 words of how i have changed while i've been away and what caused this but they only want 2,000, and frankly whats the point! Thats like two paragraphs, how can you possibly call that a reflective diary??? It all seems terribly ridiculous to me and that probably doesnt help my motivation. However im still bugging myself to do it because it has to be done by August and i will, if let be, leave it till the last possible second so i dont have to think about it before then (it really comes to something when you infuriate yourself).

Anyway for now lets forget all about that horrible assignment, yesterday night i drove my mums car to uni, i really needed to get out of the house and i haven't driven (apart from the very short time Hilary let me drive her car and then instantly wanted to drive again) for 18 months and apart from the one crazy girl who was going the wrong way down a one-way system and nearly crashed into me it all went smoothly, so i realised that i am a much better driver in England than i am in America, maybe its the driving on the correct side of the road, maybe its driving a car with a clutch or maybe its just understanding what the drivers are thinking, because in America i really had no idea what they were thinking but it definately wasn't about driving.

Anyway when i got back to my mums house later that night, to a very relieved mum who thought i was going to crash, Alice and Eliot were trying to set up Alice's wii, the conversation went something like this

'wheres this bit go?' Alice

'hmmm i dunno try poking it in that bit' Eliot

'why dont you try reading the instructions?' Me

'ha! im a man i dont need instructions' Eliot

Well anyway after an hour or them trying to figure out how to turn the second wii controller on i went to bed, Alice told me in the morning that there was a 'sync' button all along that they found ... probably would have found it quicker by reading the instructions though.

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