Thursday, June 26, 2008

My New New Blog

Hello everyone!!!
First off let me say, to any of my lovely American friends reading this, that i love you all very much, and you mean so much to me that i am writing a blog especially for you lot, like i tried to do for everyone in England when i came to Kansas. However i should probably warn you all that im slightly sporadic with my writing, i normally go off the point quite a bit, make really long sentences and sometimes i forget to blog for quite a while at a time, but be assured, ill post it up on facebook whenever i do blog! And usually if people comment then i tend to remember to write more often (hint hint).
Of course if you aren't American then read away, just you probably are more likely to see me on a day to day basis and dont really need to be caught up on everything thats happening!

I guess i should explain the title of the blog now, it in itself is a little random. Well the names of my other blogs have been something along the lines of '..... is random', - 'Life is Random' and then last year 'Kansan Life is Random', so i was considering having 'Being back is Random' or 'London Life is Random' or something but they dont really sound right and i looked up the definition of random on and it said this
"proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern"
And, well, considering things, to say 'life is random' doesnt make any sense, i don't believe that it is random, 'made without definite aim or reason', i wasn't made without an aim or reason, i was made for a very definite reason, okay sure i have no idea what it is right now but thats not the point, to say my life has no rhyme or reason isn't true, and i guess its this point which sums up what has changed about me this year (ooo i feel inspiration for my paper coming on), when i made the second blog (and before that) in August 2007 i felt like my life was very random, it had no purpose to it and really it matter very little if i were to live or die, but God saw what was happening with me and stepped up the pace, started yelling so hard at me that that was the only voice i could follow, and now i realise that life isn't random in the slightest and that Christ has a big purpose for my life, even if it seems impossible right now im gonna stick it out because this is where im at and i dont wanna be lost again.

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