Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Double Urgh!

Okay ive found something that sucks more than revision,
revision on a sunny day .....
It seems unlikely that such a thing would happen in England, but it has! BBC weather actually says 'sunny' ..... im not sure that ive seen that symbol before, ive seen the sun with clouds over it symbol and im very familar with rain but sun and clear blue skies? thats unusual, and if this is what global warming has lead us to them im totally okay with that!! Its 20C outside (thats 68F) which is unusually hot for us! Ive taken to wearing a sleeveless top. Yet tragedy of tragedies im in the LRC in front of a computer missing it all because i need to revise - so annoying.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Urgh!!! Revision sucks, it really does, like Liam very rightly said "it would be okay if we were actually interested in the material still", Ive already read the interesting parts, now im just rereading to focus on the details like what specific transcription factors move to cause this signalling pathway to cause something to happen which causes other ligands to be secreted which interact with hedgehog receptors which causes transcription of the wingless protein .... its really not interesting anymore. The weather is grey .... thats the only way to describe it .... not quite fog, no rain so far, definately no sun .... but its grey ... very grey and the cleaning lady is talking to herself, i dont know what she is saying but it sounds quite sinister .... yes im procrastinating .... autoimmune diseases are needlessly complex .... i was lulled in by the name 'horror autotoxicus' Damn it Paul Ehrlich! You get me every time! *shakes fist*
Okay okay less procrastination, the solution to this is quite clearly the worlds smallest and most expensive bottle of lucozade that i just brought from the canteen, which will, advertising tell me, 'give me the physical edge' .... i miss proplus .....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Ravi Zacharias

So i was listening to the Ravi Zacharias DVD, from the K-state lecture that he gave - courtesy of Weston, last night - wow that brought up so many questions and ideas. The thing that surprises me most about it was that i understood it and the thing that surprised me most after that was that he brought up one of my thoughts that id blogged about a while ago - apparently im on the same wave length as some 19th century philosopher, which is pretty darn cool. I had to keep stopping and starting it though, its kinda hard going - im not sure that i would have taken it all in if i had actually been there, and im not always sure that he finishes a thought, like he'll start talking about something else and somehow avoid the question ...
But blooming thought provoking lecture though!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

What now?

Dissertations in, celebratory barbeque is finished, nothing until exams in a months time .... what now?