Friday, July 4, 2008

Dreams .....

Hey guys!
Now i know this blog is supposed to be here to keep everyone up to date of what is happening in the old country and not just to write about my random thoughts and such, but well frankly nothing is going on at the moment and if i were to tell you about my day it would be a really boring blog. So im going to tell you about my dream instead (trust me its WAY more interesting than my life right now!) Of course if you're one of those people that think people shouldnt share their dreams because obviously it was so boring that it put that person to sleep in the first place, so why spread the horror to someone else , i would advise you to stop reading now, go have your own dreams.
Anyway, my dream, i only felt like writing about it because it is different from the dream that i've been having consistently for the last few months, where someone close to me dies, and i could have stopped it from happening and im trying to save them, its a horrible dream and i've felt unrested every night for a long time, i know why i have that dream and it is kinda interesting how sometimes it changes slightly, like the person or how they die but its the same basic dream.
ANYWAY, the new dream, i'm looking (almost hanging) out of a bedroom window (one of the ones that open out and you could jump through, on the second floor, not the small little ones at the top) and im watching Eliot and some kid play tennis in the street (why tennis? probably because we were playing tennis on the wii yesterday) and they both have headphones on which is kinda strange, then out of the corner of my eye i see this kids brother (i dunno why i say brother but thats just who he seems to be) sneaking up to this car and stealing something from it, the thing belongs to me (even though its not my car ....) its like a big rolled up piece of paper and its important to me because i start to freak out and shout to Eliot to stop him, but his got his headphones on and cant hear me, then he goes along to the next driveway which is the house im in, to my mums car and takes something from there, and this thing is really precious to me and i tell the guy to give it back but he just scoffs, so some how, as happens in dreamland, i picked him up by his head (*shrugs*) and wrestled the things off of him, anyway his wriggling and promising never to do it again so i let him go, and he runs away and all the time Eliot is still quietly playing tennis with the guys brother.
Well this dream had way more hope than my normal dream has so i woke up in a way better mood, i guess this is why i reckon i had this dream, the things that were being stolen from me are things that before came really naturally and i didnt even think of, like praying before meals, i noticed yesterday that i didnt do it, its one of those hard situations where if you dont actually have a meal then is it your fault? If i forget to have lunch and just have a random cracker at some point in the day and dont pray before i eat it is that really the point or is the point that you should be taking time out of your day to be thankful, which im doing every second of the day anyway. Anyway so i feel like these things are being taken away from me, not by any real person but you know, so anyway im calling to Eliot to get it back for me, but he cant hear me because he doesnt know Jesus, the Devils distracting him, so i guess thats my internal conflict of my families faith, and then the guy comes closer to me and steals the things that are closer and more important, well i guess this is like when i lost my Bible the other day so i couldnt read it (its not like in Hilarys house where you can just read one of the other 70 in her apartment) or probably having to work on a sunday which might mean i cant go to church, or not being able to have worship music on without headphones because people tell me to turn it off. I guess these are the things which are closer to my heart that are changing and its like okay thats enough i need to do something about this, i think the phrase taking the bull by the horns works on so many levels here, so anyway i take action to get them back, but the guys just ran away in the end so i guess it could still return, and Eliot never did stop playing tennis with that other kid ....

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