Friday, August 29, 2008

Woo Hoo!!!

Yay! Finally finally finally my YENA report (im guessing that stands for something like Year Exchange in North America) is complete! and has been handed in at the C.P. Snow reception, i have the receipt to prove it and everything, its amazing how wonderfully happy this one little piece of paper can make you, its almost as great a feeling as my G.C.S.E. (general certificate of secondary education) grade paper made me, maybe not quite that high .... but its up there. I have to say though, i would have put it up here for everyone to read but it was the biggest load of nonsense ever, i mean its very well written (i wouldn't have given it in if it wasn't) and the context is there, basically i made the best of what they asked, but what they were asking was the most boring load of drival, its supposed to make me gain some kind of realisation of the skills i have developed through the experience and give a clear opportunity for reflection and review but they gave me a outline with 'helpful' guidance notes which basically said we don't want you to write about any personal experiences, just tell us what Hertfordshire is doing well and how it compares to other uni's, how are you supposed to do that without intergrating your personal experiences?!!? Maybe its just the scientist in me coming through but how can you make a statement of comparison without giving some evidence to back it up? and i had to make this into 2,500 words .... craziness

Anyway enough of a rant, as strange as it sounds it felt fantastic driving into Hatfield, one of those coming home feelings where you cant help but let out a sigh of relief and relax a little bit. Im excited about monday, seeing Liam and Barry again, having space to have things out of a suitcase, extreme jenga, Liams cooking ....
I think you can tell im grinning

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