Saturday, August 30, 2008


Good morning! Today is day 4 (i think) of my lack of sleep insomnia thing and i think i have got to a stage that im so tired im actually going slightly crazy, its not complete sleep deprevation im getting about 2 hours and then i start having seriously awful nightmares which wake me up (thats pretty unusual in itsself im used to screaming / sleepwalking through bad dreams) and then i wake up ready to be sick. Needless to say im a little tired and ive had to check through what im writing about ten times because the spelling and probably comprehension is terrible.
Anyway im sitting at the computer because there isnt a whole lot else to do in the middle of the night when everybody else is asleep and im playing minesweeper (you know? its one of those little games that are on every computer) I'm not quite sure what it is about minesweeper, maybe its the strange little yellow smiley face that looks a bit worried when you click on a potential mine or the fact that its about mines but i think that game is hilarious. Maybe its just me but sometimes i feel a bit guilty when i click the wrong button and blow all the mines up, i guess because im secretly imagining that im really on the bomb squad and they have told me 'Sophie there are 99 mines out there somewhere, you're our best agent, go stop them before they blow up he village' and then the villagers are like 'yay!' Is that just me? how about when you win and the little yellow smiley face puts on his shades? isnt that just your motivation for playing the game?? *yawn* don't laugh at me im very tired ....

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