Wednesday, December 2, 2009


When Weston dropped me off at Hilarys apartment last night he waited until id got in before he drove away, i love that he does that, im not sure whether he is checking i am safe (these are the dangerous streets of Manhattan after all!) or whether he doesnt really want to leave, but it makes me feel special. I think that a lot about the things he does, and as im pretty sure no one reads this blog anymore im gonna write down some of these things so that i dont forget when im old and cynical.

I love that he will happily wear holey socks and that he doesnt mind people knowing it, i love that he doesnt mind that i joke about that fact. I love that he rates how well his days go on whether he got to hang out with me and whether he ate cookies, a great day includes both. I love how adorable he looks first thing in the morning when he has just stumbled out of his bedroom, wearing his glasses and his hair is sticking up in various different directions. I love that sometimes when we are deciding something he will say exactly what im thinking. I love that he can spend 40 minutes in Asda choosing a dessert, i love that that fact doesnt bug me, i love that the waitress will come back to our table three times before we are ready to order but from then on he could tell you most of the menu before we even set out to the restaurant, i love that he cares so much about the decisions he makes that he will take that time and not rush in to things, it reassures me that anything he does involving me will have been carefully thought through that he is definitely sure about, that he wont turn around later and say he acted rashly and regrets his decision. I love that he is so crazy smart but that he doesnt even think so tell anyone. I love that i feel so safe when his driving, i love that he doesnt do stupid things to show off and i love that he says "i probably shouldnt turn around will you describe it to me" when i look out of the back window of the truck and point out the most amazing sunset. I love that he takes detours to show me houses with awesome Christmas lights. I love that when we bump into somebody he knows they already know who i am even though ive never met them before, i love that he beams whenever i hold his hand and i love that i believe him when he says 'its going to be okay' when im ridiculously nervous about something. I love that he is the only person i have met that i can spend every minute of the day with and not feel like i have to get away and be on my own for a while because they are driving me insane, i love that after spending five days hanging out together i felt a pang of missing him when we had been apart 10 hours (8 of which were spent sleeping), i love that i dont care how pathetic that sounds. I love that he listens so carefully to what i say, even though most of the time its irrelevant waffle, i love that he didnt complain for a second when i asked him to help me move all of my stuff in a shopping cart while he was on his vacation and that we actually sat down and laughed at how funny it was once we had finished. I love that he ate the cottage pie i made him that looked like disgusting mush and i love that he said it tasted delicious. I love that i dont feel silly jumping in puddles or leaves or rolling in the snow when he is around because his doing exactly the same thing and that we are both grinning like loons at the people walking by. I love that he loves bacon, maple syrup and cheesecake as much as i do, i love that there is this beaming light thing that surrounds him that makes people want to love him, i think its a knowing Jesus beam. I love that the list of things i love about Weston is so long i cant fit it all into this post.

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