Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Money, Money, Money?

What would be the most awesome thing ever? What would make you happy? Are the answers to these questions the same or are they not even connected?
I know a lot of people wont agree with me but most of the time the things that make me happy are free or cost very little but then i dont really care about posessions, i pretty much just own what i need (I'm okay with being abnormal). Somebody buying me a pair of brightly coloured socks will cheer me up whenever i see them, so has the potential to provide years worth of happiness, an expensive pair of shoes probably wont get worn for fear of ruining them and the fact that they wont get worn (which is really the essence of their being) saddens me. Planting a seed and watching it grow provides all of the same excitement i got when i grew cress seeds in a yoghurt pot when i was four, paying somebody else to maintain our garden, although providing someone with an income, brings me little joy. Spending hours making somebody a birthday present, which not only shows them how much i care about them as a person aswell as being able to make it personal to them whilst putting a little bit of my soul into it, although it takes more time, enery and effort brings me so much more happiness than buying someone something. Christs love is free to anybody that wants it, the ultimate gift - salvation is free. Which brings me to the conclusion that truly the best things in life are free, but perhaps only in monetary value. Putting time and effort, energy and love, commitment and dedication into someting brings you more happiness than putting money into something does, when you put all of these things into my seed you get a beautiful tomato plant that you feel proud of whenever you make soup from the fruits (literally) of your labour, putting these things into your homemade present (whether its for a birthday or 'just because') makes your feel rewarded at the end, putting all of these things into your journey with God reaps its own rewards. Perhaps a 'spending spree' should be to spend your time on something worthwhile, 'giving to charity' should be giving your time to a worthwhile cause. I'd have swapped 'pocket money' for some one on one time with my parents any day of the week. There are so many better gifts than money.

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