Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Follow me as i follow Jesus

Apparently 90% of the love that is shown to you by people around you in your lifetime is when you are a baby. Isnt that sad? It kinda makes sense now why so many people are suffering from crippling depression, and imagine if you didnt know Gods love, you really would have nothing. Gods been teaching me about how i show Jesus to people, im not very good at talking to people about stuff anyway and people here are not very receptive to what is being said, in fact people dont care. However, people learn a limited amount through listening, we blot out things we dont want to hear, a child learns more through watching than what its parents tell it to do, its more about the way you tell him and the actions you carry through than the actual words. So follow me as i follow Jesus. Whether you want to be or not you are affected by the actions of the people around you, their ideas and morals become intergrated into your way of thinking, people expect me to act in a certain way because i follow Jesus, yet they also look back at how their expectations havent been fulfilled in the past, the stereotypes and the hurt which have helped to turn them against Him in the first place. Lots of damage has been done in the past which makes reaching out to people who have been exposed to the idea of God previously, but have been burnt much harder than if they were starting from scratch. When you wrong somebody, or act like a jerk, or do something horrible it will take seven experiences of you being exceptionally nice to them for your relationship to get back to where it was. Seven! and thats not even to make it better than before, its to get back to where you started, to get back to zero. It almost seems like getting mad at them wasnt worth it. Well when people know we are following Jesus this hurt is reflected back onto Him, even on people we dont know, if i wear a cross to university or if you wear your 'Jesus Rocks' tshirt and then we push in line or do something that isnt following Jesus, people will think that is what Jesus is like, because how are they supposed to know better? By wearing that cross i have said follow me as i follow Jesus, and why would they want to follow me if im acting like a jerk? Thats quite a lot of pressure, sure im only human but reason rarely comes into things when people are judging your actions, and if we take into this that that one time of you being horrible will take seven occassions when people are able to show Jesus to that person in a good light, IF that occasion ever comes up again (which it might not), you did a HUGE injustice to that person by risking their salvation just because you were having a bad day.
I'm not saying dont show anyone that you're a christian, far from it, tell everyone, shout it from the rooftops, but then follow through, FOLLOW Jesus, dont just say you will, people dont need your baggage as well as their own. If zero is the level at which people are open to the idea of Christ and someone is in the minus figures when you meet them, it might take a while for them to get back to zero, but no time at all to get into a bigger hole.

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