Sunday, November 30, 2008

Real Men

Urgh! im really fed up with silly little boys (i had to give myself 20 minutes before i started to write this because i was a tad annoyed). Once again the oven has fused itself (Alec did it a couple of weeks ago - he wouldnt tell me how but a spark came off of the hob apparently and he couldnt figure out how to get the oven to work again so he just left it, i came down in the morning and flipped the fuse back on .... *rolls eyes* the word 'life experience' springs into my head, the second time Liam did it - i think he burnt something onto the hob and didnt bother to clean it off before using it, and Barry almost did it the other day when he turned the top on but the wrong one and there was a empty saucepan on that ring - to his credit he was distracted because he was washing up at the time) Liam fused it earlier when he almost set the fire alarm off for the 6th time in 3 months by once again letting something burn and flow over the side of the pan onto the electric hob (horrible smell, smoke etc). Although apparently this time it wont go back on, i went up to my room to avoid the smell but i could hear Liam talking (and laughing) very loudly to Alec downstairs and then phoning the Landlord to tell him, neither of them thought to change the fuse, he then came up to my room to tell me (in an almost proud way - how is that something to boast about?) Now dont get me wrong none of this bothered me really - id already eaten dinner so it doesnt matter that its not working right now and at least he phoned up the landlord to get it sorted, the thing that bugged me was that he didnt take respondsability for his actions. He came into my room and told me and i asked him what he'd done to fuse it and he said "it wasnt me! i didnt do anything" which is just dumb - he was the only person cooking when it happend and he knows i saw what happened, so why lie?! (it was a rhetorical question if anything) and when i pointed out that he must have done something because it wouldnt have fused by itself he was still adament. Its such a little kid thing to do, flat out deny something even when you're standing there with chocolate all over your face, his 21, its just ridiculous now. Like yesterday someone left the hob on all night (didnt burn the house down - possibly a contribution to the downward turn of the oven though) and everyone knew it was Liam, mainly because he was drunk when he was making dinner and because the ring that was left on was one i never use (im also extremely paranoid about leaving the oven on so i make sure i check to turn it off) and it blatently wasnt Alec because he only ever blasts things in the microwave or has chips in the oven, such is his diet (and i know he had chips last night because there was a ketchup stained plate this morning) and i was there when Liam started using the oven. Yet when i told him (not in an accusing way btw) he swore blind that it definately wasnt him, why?! what does that achieve? i know for a fact it was, and i dont really care who it was it just means we have to be more careful next time, what am i going to do? No-one has any authority over anyone in this house so why would you bother lying?!?! I really dont like stupid child like behaviour in grown men (i dont really want to call them men because to be a man you have to act like it), its like the whole dismissing everything i say as ridiculous thing that Alec does (maybe because im a woman? maybe because he doesnt respect me? who knows) yet when Liam says exactly the same thing he follows every word of it, its actually pretty humourous, he may as well start worshipping at Liams feet. And the whole feeling the need to swear after every word, or be particularly blasphemous when im around even though he knows i dont appreciate it, isnt that just a respect thing? Men respect other people, even people they dont like, they dont pass the buck just to save their own butts, they take responsibility for their actions, they're mature, they do things because the realise they need to be done not because they are told to do them. Boys are still learning this stuff.

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