Sunday, November 16, 2008


Its 4.45pm on Sunday evening (i wouldnt normally say 4pm is the evening but winter must be here because its pitch black outside), I am sitting in the LRC staring at my essay entitled "discuss the potential of siRNA is treating human diseases"
I have many words written but its not finished yet, and im starting to lose the motivation to finish it tonight, 1,200 /2,000 words done and i havent even got into the huge scope of limitations and then my mamoth conclusion yet, i think im going to have a chop it up a bit, which is a crying shame because i have a precise introduction explaining everything you need to know
and then managed to sync into the process quite nicely and then gave two stinking good examples of the clinical trials (i think ill add a small segway about neurodegenerative diseases and cancer in too) all in under 1,000 words. It wont be the best essay ive ever written thats for sure. So instead i am occassionally staring at a review paper called 'interfering with disease: a progress report on siRNA-based therapeutics' (a very handy little number i found late last night), playing internet games and staring out of the huge window at the horrible weather that awaits me when i decide to give up on this and head home (its raining ... a lot). On the plus side there is a slice of pizza awaiting me and two new arm chairs (the landlord gave us this morning so now no one has to sit on the floor). The essay is due friday, and i have tuesday, wednesday and thursday off so im thinking i could finish it then ....
I guess i am always thinking 'itll be better once ive done this', not just the essay but everything in life, itll be better once i graduate, itll be better once i finish this class, itll be better when i move out of home, itll be better once im married, but im continually aiming for something that doesnt get realised, the best times are the ones waiting for that thing to happen. I will finish the essay and then ill be just as stressed out about something new, or even worse ill be bored because i wont be sure what to spend my time doing (not likely but a possiblity). Subconciously i know this. I guess ill brave the weather and read this review at home on the new chair, with my pizza ..... and the guys distracting me.

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