Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Who do you think you are?

Today is a better day, it is only 6am so far but im sure it is going to be. For some reason God has awoken me at 6am (which actually is pretty nice because normally im awake all night) and for some reason i have this hilarious story my mum was telling us about our ancestors on my mind so i figured i would share the hilarity, maybe you need a laugh, maybe it would just interest you to see what kind of dormant genes i have residing in me, maybe you have watched all the episodes of Poirot and are looking for something, anything to read - well this can be that something.

Let me set the scene, Alice, Eliot, my mum and myself were sitting in the living room watching a programme on the telly called 'who do you think you are?' where famous people look back at their genelogy and find out interesting stuff about their ancestors, Boris Johnson (the new Mayor of London) is related to royalty and last night Ester Rantzen found out she was related to a diamond billionaire. Anyway Alice was asleep on one sofa, mum and i were on the other and Eliot was laying on the floor (later to jump on my legs and almost break them). Once it had finished (and my mum had successfully talked all the way through it) mum asked us what we knew about our ancestors, Eliot and I shrugged and assured her we probably werent related to any famous or rich people. She then went on to tell us some stories about what she had been told about her ancestors. Now we already knew a limited about about dad's side of my family because its a very uncommon name (in fact the only people with the name in the phone book are very closely related to me) and my dads sister had done a bit of research on the family, but apart from a few hilarious rumours flying about i knew nothing about the Roberts side. Aparently my grandads grandparents were from Ireland (to which Eliot and I retorted 'haha we're pikeys!' - when the celebrities look back at their ancestors they always seem to be a little dismayed if their is anything sinister there like a murderer or something, well im pretty sure my family wouldnt care less if our ancestors had got up to anything like that but if you told them they were pikeys that would cause an uproar). She told us that his grandad, a man hilariously called Harry Potter, was a 5 foot 2 bare knuckle fighter, a scary man who liked to drink pretty heavily (well of course he was irish) and his grandmother was found at 70 years old having sex on the kitchen table (possibly not with her husband), apparently she only had one eye or one leg, so now poor Eliot has a very scary image of a one eyed one legged old woman imprinted in his memory. As for my nans side of the family, there is a very old picture of these sisters (i think there were about four of them) and my nan would always say that was the quiet one, and that one ran off with somebody and she was the religious one who didnt have any children. They are a strange looking crew, all with ridiculous looking hair living in the East end of London. So what i can sum up from that side of my family is pretty much all the men drank very heavily and all the women were very scary looking and dominated their husbands (which might explain the drinking) oh and there is the possibility that someone got kicked out of England and taken to Australia somewhere along the line for some misdoings. As to dad's side there is somewhere back there a french woman called Sophie and the rest are all just names after you discount all the people i met in person.

So what does this tell you about where i am coming from you may well be asking? Well probably a motley rabble of crazy people, with crazy hair, drinking and anger problems, where women ruled the house and everyone pitched in to make whatever little money they survived on. We can all be pretty sure they were darn poor but it doesnt seem like they were overly bothered about that and more than anything it looks like they all loved each other very much and were happy with what they were. So really who cares if they werent that smart or there are a few criminal activities going on back there. But there is a strong possibility of a few genetic throw backs that any children i have in the future have to look forward to!

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