Saturday, June 13, 2009

Results are in ...

Results are in! At last! What a horrible wait, my final module results are as follows

Project Dissertation - A1
Eukaryotic Molecular Biology - B2
Molecular Medicine and Biotechnology - B2
Clinical Immunology and Microbial Pathology - B3

That probably wont mean an awful lot to many people so Herts grading system works like this

A1,A2,A3 - These are all first class degree results (A1 is the best, then A2, then A3), they just show how high your first was

B1,B2,B3 - Are all 2:1 class results (again in order)

Then obviously C1,2,3, (being 2:2 results) D1,2,3 (being 3rd class results) E1,2,3,4 (being you just scrapped through / a referred / compensated pass) then F1E,B,C,2,3,DFC,DFB,DFE ( ..... various fails)

For any Americans reading a first is blooming fantastic

So im not so sure what my overal degree classification becomes because it seems the system changed this year and no one seems very sure what that means now, but Karen and i were trying to work it out, it seems that if they go on the old system i will have got a 2:1 (which i am over the moon with) (because my level 3 results average out higher than my level 2 results so the average of the third year results are taken and that is your grade so A1 = 1 point, B2 = 5 points, B3 = 6 points, so 17 ... divided by 4 = which i make 4.25 which is just outside of the 1 to 3.5/4.0 boundary for a first, so its a high 2:1) but if they work it out on the new system (we arent sure on the specifics though so we dont know if we are working this out correctly) which we seem to remember (although it doesnt seem to be in the student handbook) being that you can swap your worst grade for a better one you recieved (of equal credit point value) at level 2 (whether this is irrelevant for me because of the whole average being higher thing im not too sure) in which case i could swap the B3 for an A3 for example (A1 = 1, A3 = 3, B2 = 5, which i make 14, divided by 4 which i make 3.5 - just inside the first class boundary where you dont need the majority of A's to be taken into consideration). So we are a little stumped at the moment, i guess im one of the annoying cases for the university, i seem to remember them telling us that both systems would be used solely this year due to half the class graduating last year if they didnt go on a placement year,
Either way we will find out sometime this week it seems, so thats cool, it makes me wonder though, if this does work out in my favour how annoying it would have been if i hadnt gone to Kansas last year .... strange how things work out

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