Friday, October 3, 2008

Here's your OAP card the line for the free bus pass is over there

Last night i found out i am officially too old to go to the Font. Okay well there isnt an age limit, and i am still only 22 but i guess it dawned on me that i feel too matured to be there anymore. We went last night (Barry, Liam and myself) after Liam dyed his hair pink and maybe it was because its the first time i've been there when i havent been drunk but everyone just seemed so young (it is still freshers week, the freshers are pretty much living at the Font and ele house at the moment) and silly. I was standing there with my glass of coke watching some crazy 18 year olds do some crazy dancing and then head off to the toilets to throw up and a girl who had had way too much to drink flirting with every guy around her and then go back to the drink she'd left unattended for a good 20 minutes and i thought 'why on earth did i pay to get in here??'. Trying to wriggle out of conversations with drunken guys throwing alcohol at me really just isnt fun. I am officially a grumpy old person, but im going to embrace this fact, because it seems to me like its quite a wonderful thing never to have to go to the Font again, think of the money ill save, think of how great ill feel each morning i dont wake up with a hangover, think of all the people i wont have to avoid who chatted me up the night before and i had to go hide from, think of the terrible pictures that wont be posted on facebook, think of the clearing up the staff wont have to do when i get brought drinks all night by strangers but dont drink them because they might have been spiked.
So Cheers to this wonderful new existence! *raises a pint of water* and thank you Lord for saving me from something i didnt realise i needed saving from.

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