Monday, December 29, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Day Five

Almost done. Just a class and a workshop to go.
Have packed all my stuff, made an extensive list of things for the boys to do before they leave the house for Christmas, washed all my clothes, and wrapped Amy, Alice and Eliots presents. This morning was spent printing off assignment stuff and emailing Ela (she seemed impressed with where i am, i dont think she should be, she's just too lovely.) Kayleigh just dropped me back at uni because we had gone to give blood, the lady bruised my arm when she pulled the needle out, it pricked my vein or something, so as soon as i sat down it started leaking again, i wasnt worried but the nurse was so i have a big dressing thing on it, then in jealousy of the attention i was getting Kayleigh fainted (again) so we had to hang around for AGES until they said we were well enough to go. Now i need to re-read the workshop paper.
Mums picking Alice and I up tonight (because we have luggage and more importantly Sizzles).
Liam is throwing up again at home, we think its because of the sink turkey he was eating, *shakes head* how crazy do you have to be to still eat turkey once its been in grimey soapy dishwater?!
So thats Friday.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Day Three

The funniest day. Im glad its over, im exhausted.
The viva this morning, annoying, my questions from Virginia were great, questions from Hoffman were awful, they didnt make any sense, so they classified me in the "can interpret with a little help" column, just a 2:1, not great, but on the plus side i've got 90% on my other two pieces of coursework for this module. So it equals out to about a 80% for coursework over all. Which is a high 1st i think, i should be able to keep that for exam.

We all headed home to the Christmas dinner, which went hilariously well. A 3 hour long game of monopoly, a Christmas movie still downloading, the turkey was taken out of the oven and thrown across the kitchen, landed in the washing up bowl full of gross water, was so hilarious. Lots of other funny things happened but am still laughing so much from the turkey incident.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Day One

One down,
*faint hearted yay*
It was a LONG day, got up at 6.30am (woke up several times before that but didnt get up until then), got stuff organised for the day (cleaned the kitchen, all that boring stuff) and got to uni, in the canteen, having breakfast by 8.30 (which is quite an achievement because i made sure Liam was with me so he would go to his class). Which means i could pick up my essay and meet Lucy in the LRC for some viva revision by 9. Classes 11 till 1 (no lunch break), workshop was forgotten about because ... well its Niall .... Headed home to get a hairband (for the lab) and back into classes (after more studying etc) by 3. Guest lecturer was heading a conference in London because of the current economic crisis (obviously wants to keep his job) so we had an oncology lecture with Ralph (great stuff, knew all the answers as i took 2 cancer classes last year, was on a roll, even when he said "quite an unusual reason this one, doubt anyones going to get it"), then Ralph doing a semi-workshop. Then working in the lab all evening .... eurgh, was horrible, typing and screening blood for antibodies, then straight off to Tesco to get Christmas dinner food, ordered a pizza on the drive back, and now its 11.30.
Very Long Day.
Oh yeah, got a 90% on my essay, (woo), love Heddwyn, officially greatest lecturer in the world.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Busy week

This is week is a crazy week
Monday i have classes as usual plus two workshops (one with a guest lecturer ... that cant be good) and then blood typing and screening in the lab until 9pm.
Tuesday is a project day so 9am till 5pm working in the bioinformatics lab (eurgh)
Wednesday my usual day off will be my Viva Voce, its at 10.30 though so it will be done nice and early, we are then having our house Christmas dinner, (Alec, Liam, Kayleigh, Lucy and I), celebrating, eating, and drinking (obviously not by me).
Thursday is another project day, 9am till 5pm in the bioinformatics lab again.
Friday morning off (yay!!) then class at 3pm till 5pm with a workshop (doesnt that just seem like a cruel end to the term?), then somehow getting all my stuff back to Enfield on the bus.
Saturday - celebrate Christmas with the family (maybe Grandad and Ellen too, depends what was sorted out there), present giving, eating Christmas food, drinking.
Sunday - off to the airport, lots of crazy Christmas passengers, threats of delays and cancellations etc.
Somehow in all of this i have to pack, sort out the house, write an essay (i might do that on the flight) and probably some other stuff i've forgotten about.
Busy week.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Eurgh! i feel really crappy.
Its cold, someone keeps turning the heating off even though its 43 degrees F in my room, eating crisps didnt help ... and im all out of ideas now.
And you know how sometimes people say something and you really want to say something back (in a good way, but i guess it works in a bad way too) but it will probably come out wrong, so you dont, but you're thinking it anyway ... and now they'll never know.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

ITS CHRISTMAS!!!! (nearly)

Wow i cant wait until Christmas!! its really really close now, (im listening to Christmas songs as i type and we decorated the - very tiny - christmas tree last night so now it really feels like 'tis the season!) Its really hard to concentrate on essays and projects and stuff. Maybe i should have a mince pie break .....

Friday, December 5, 2008


Yay! I just got an email from Caroline at the student centre entitled
"science and engineering scholarship"
Its ready for me to pick up, so im heading down there now!
I guess i must have got a 2:1/1 average last year!